Donations are welcome and appreciated. SANCTUARY minimizes costs by using recycled materials and simple techniques wherever possible. Still the project has costs including materials, laser cutting, tools, feeding volunteers, etc. Donations help make this project possible.

This ambitious project welcomes support in several forms. 

- REDUCE/REUSE/RECYCLE. This project will be built in large part from cardboard tubes reclaimed from large format printing that are otherwise discarded. A lot of effort is made to collect and prepare materials. Volunteers and material donations are appreciated.

- CONSTRUCT AND DECONSTRUCT. The structure is built over several weeks prior to the event. Volunteers are needed and appreciated. Help is also needed erecting, disassembling the structure, and running operations during the festival. Please contact us using the contact form below if you are interested in participating.

- DONATE. We have gone out of our way to keep costs low. However, donations help to realize the vision. SANCTUARY is a passion project and not for profit. You can be sure your donations will contribute to pulling off this fun and complicated installation. Click below to make a donation through PayPal, Venmo, or credit card. Thank you!
